Drina Vlastelic Rajic
Director of the Republic of Srpska Office for Cooperation, Trade and Investment, LLC in Washington, D.C.
The Republic of Srpska Office for Cooperation, Trade and Investment, LLC was opened in October 2013.
Its mission is to help companies and industries of the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia & Herzegovina establish better business relations with entities in the United States and assist in trade and investment in the Republic of Srpska.
Канцеларија Републике Српске за сарадњу, трговину и инвестиције отворена је у октобру 2013. године.
Њена мисија је да за компаније и индустрије Републике Српске и Босне и Херцеговине помаже на унапређенју и болјем успоставлјанју пословне сараднје са субјектима у Сједињеним Америцким Државама, те асистира у трговини и инвестицијама у Републици Српској.
The Republic of Srpska Office For Cooperation, Trade and Investment, LLC
Links to Republic of Srpska Institutions
President of Republika Srpska: http://www.predsjednikrs.net
Republic of Srpska Government: http://www.vladars.net
Parliament of Republika Srpska: http://www.narodnaskupstinars.net
The Republic of Srpska Investment-Development Bank: http://www.irbrs.org
Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency: http://www.rars-msp.org
Republika Srpska Banking Agency: http://www.abrs.ba
Republika Srpska Concessions Commission: http://www.koncesije-rs.org
Republika Srpska Securities Commission: http://www.khov-rs.org
Republika Srpska Chamber of Commerce: http://www.komorars.ba
Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics: http://www.rzs.rs.ba
Registry of Procedures and Inspection Procedures and Control Subjects: http://www.regodobrenja.net
Banja Luka Stock Exchange: http://www.blberza.com
The Republic Institute for Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage of the Republic of Srpska: http://www.heritagers.org
1701 Pennsylvania Ave NW #200, Washington, DC 20006
Tel: 202-248-5415